Archive for June, 2007

Review of Sicko

Sunday, June 17th, 2007


Worth watching but leave your brain at home. This seems to be targeted at those that generally don’t watch anything but Fox News or sitcoms.

The latest Michael Moore documentary mixes facts with touchy feely scenes and “wow, I did not know that” moments. Done almost like an infomercial with Moore as the straight guy amazed at the facts others tell him. Perfect bubblegum television but as usual quite one-sided. Moore makes France look like a paradise but has he seen how hard it is to get a job there so you can avail of all the benefits?

Go watch this but remain sceptical. Still a nice insight the system that Mary Harney is trying to create with her own health “reforms”.

Rated 3/5 on Jun 17 2007 by Damien Mulley
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Blood – There will be

Sunday, June 17th, 2007

Via Critical MassThere will be blood. Another movie with Daniel Day Lewis being intense. All about the oil business.

Handelaar’s meme – Things about me that you wouldn’t think were true, but are.

Friday, June 15th, 2007

He made me do it. Things about me that you wouldn’t think were true, but are.

1. Despite TV appearances, newspaper interviews, talking at conferences and doing about 120 radio interviews in the past few years, I am a very shy person and I’d class myself as introverted.

2. My name is Timothy.

3. I don’t like making even numbered lists. I don’t sit in even numbered seats in airplanes and I make sure my fluffy links go out on odd numbered timestamps. What makes it worse is that 45 or 25 or 35 is also too uniform for my tastes.

4. I own a Mac.

Beirut Tickets – Alan O’Connell is the winner

Friday, June 15th, 2007

Congrats to Alan O’Connell. Email sent to you with the details. Thanks to everyone that entered the draw. I forgot to mention that Alan will be required to shout “Free bird” at the concert.

In fact Ah, is gone

Friday, June 15th, 2007

Bye lads. Another great blog gone. I hope some of the lads start their own blogs, if they have time.

Fluffy Links – Friday June 15th 2007

Friday, June 15th, 2007

Via You Ain’t No Picasso: Feist and a little bit of Grizzly bear.

Consider signing up for Paddy’s Valley.

Forget not that BarCamp Belfast is on June 30th. They’re looking for speakers and attendees so g’wan, it’ll be worth the trip.

eBay shows Google who the Daddy is. Google decide to run an event at the same time as eBay to try and nab some of their customers. eBay cancels all Google Ads. Google cancels their own event.

Don’t forget the draw for 2 tickets to Beirut. Last few hours of it!

Paddy’s Valley – What exactly do we want to do

Thursday, June 14th, 2007


20 people at most.
Rent a minibus. (I’d love to get a few VW camper vans to tour in)
Get a central hotel.
Visit the historical Silicon Valley places where the big tech guys started and do touristy stuff too.
Meet some VCs and Valley people and get to know them.
Exchange cards and build friendships.
Have a showcase evening on one of the evenings to show off the companies who have come over.

Eamon Ryan is Comms Minister

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Goodbye Dialup Dempsey, hello someone that is more able to fix the communications problems than anyone to date. I’m actually quite happy and confident that Eamon Ryan is the new Minister for Energy, Communications and Natural Resources. There were bits of the Green Manifesto I disagreed with but I hope most of it is implemented. It was a very tough decision shutting down IrelandOffline last week but it gets a little easier to sleep knowing the new boss is not a Fianna Fáiler, PDr or Fine Gaeler. Fingers crossed. Minister, please do something about ComReg.

Update: Seven months later and Minister Ryan is probably the worst Communications Minister so far. A total disgrace.

The Videos have started – Another 5 years on Planet Bertie

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Via That’s Ireland:

Not very Fluffy Links – Thursday June 14th 2007

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Just three this morning.

Markham writes a love letter to Aus traffic wardens.

Consider signing up for Paddy’s Valley.

Don’t forget the draw for 2 tickets to Beirut.