IrishBlogs just got a major boost today as Planet of the Blogs has incorporated the feeds from the journals into its service. That’s 194 Irish feeds and growing. John Breslin is doing sterling work on this and his inclusive attitude will see this grow much larger.
I posted a comment on his site which I reproduced below in regards to stats and monitoring of the blogs. Hopefully other developers in the BoggerSphere will chime in and come up with a solution:
“So, for phase II of PoTB ruling the BoggerSphere, how about sticking up some kind of tracker for the blogs so we can measure total traffic to all the blogs and then create a chart of the top blogs. Something like this.
Actually, one of those simple sitemeters wouldn’t do, would it ? Not if half your traffic comes from an rss feed. You’d need more intelligent tracking software besides an image thingy on the front page. ”