Archive for the ‘technology’ Category

Dept of Comms refuses to disclose their telco assets

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

Eames Solicitors sent in this Freedom of Information request:

Reports which relate to the telecommunications assets of the State or State owned bodies, one of which relates to Project Dingle.

The Department says yup, you probably mean this report: “Potential for Enhancing and Augmenting SemiState Telecommunicaton Assets”. Then tells them due to commercial sensitive information in the report and because of the deliberation process of Government decisions, they can’t provide it. Application refused. Eames appealed. Again refused.

All details here in this pdf and this one.

Uh, so why can’t the public find out what taxpayer paid for assets are and what the Government is doing with them?

10 years of Irish conversations

Thursday, July 31st, 2008 are giving away all their collected data. That’s 10 years of posts and threads from massively massive discussion site and all now available for download. It’s a bold and open move. And very exciting.

And if that’s not enough, there’s a bloody big competition for people to do interesting things with the data. The most interesting apps or thingymabobs win prizes:
* The first prize is an Amazon voucher for $4000 (~€2500)
* The second prize is a voucher for $2000 (~€1250)
* The third prize is a voucher for $1000 (~€625)

See more here on John Breslin’s blog.

I’ve love a Google News/ mashup and a timeline kind of thing. Pick a date from a timeline, see the main news from Google and then see how people on reacted.

Or pick a few brands that became over the past few years and plot the rise of them. Sociology and Anthropology researchers will have a field day with these things.

When was the first mention of x on and the first use of “celtic tiger” etc. etc.

Screw Google’s zeitgeist, what was the most linked to site in 1998, 1999, 2003?

Well done the owners for doing such a thing. search test second life
Photo owned by llawliet (cc)

Tuesday Push 30th July 2008 –

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Pronounce it Pixie. Yeah? Good.

The blurb:

Pixie is a popular photo sharing site based in Ireland. Launched in August 2007, Pixie has registered users from over 120 countries and is currently storing millions of images on their behalf. Pixie’s free service which includes an upload quota of 500MB/month, is used by both professional and amateur photographers, families, friends, students, charities and photo bloggers, i.e. everyone!

So yes, an Irish Flickr some will say but it’s a tad easier to get your stuff out of Tried that with Flickr recently? It also looks prettier.

But what I personally like more (Jesus when did I become a capitalist?) is the fact that they allow co-branding and commercial profiles. Promoters also get access to the commercial API which can feed live photo streams of their event or competition back to their official site. Throw in blogs and discussion forums too and you have a really nice hosted social platform for events and promotions. Why build something and self-host for a limited-time event? Makes sense. I also hear that groups are on the way.

Also, the way the images are displayed are much nicer than Flickr too and as has been spotted by those rascally Irish bloggers, they’ve got a nice deal going with Guinness Storehouse where people upload the photos they took at the Guiness Storehouse to

That 3D gallery looks great, so spread the word about

Pixie and Guinness

Want to be part of the Tuesday Push, find out how.

Coming up in the next few weeks are Toddle, Crewger, eWrite and more!

Quick: Irish Blog Awards 2009 special rate

Monday, July 28th, 2008

So the 2009 Blog Awards are now booked for February 21st 2009 in the Cork Airport International Hotel. There’s a special room rate of €100 per room or €55 per person sharing if you mention the Blog Awards. Just so you know.


RTE special – The Global Classroom

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

RTE have a special series on next week called the Global Classroom.

We go to India, Rwanda and Kenya where three programmes, including the Irish charity Camara, are using three very different approaches to achieve the same goal: educating the world’s youngest citizens.

And it’s all webified too:

Next week, RTÉ.ie News Editor Joe Zefran and journalist Blathnaid Healy (left) will bring you a special website with full-length features, photo gallery, and audio/video highlights including web-exclusive interviews.

What I think is the big thing with this is that the team not RTE (yeah there’s a diff) will be showing their wares on the Six One News and News on Two. Nice one.

Enda makes his own 3g iPhone ad

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

Via Enda

BT Ireland pull out of the National Broadband Scheme

Friday, July 25th, 2008

News just coming in. Confirmed with them too. No reasons for doing so yet. The final tender was meant to be decided by Autumn so this is cutting it close. The Department go on hols (just like the Courts) in the next while too. BT Ireland will still be the tech partner for Three who along with eircom are the only ones left in the tender process.

Not sure will the Department be as happy with a two horse race and them leaving this late into it. I wonder what changed recently?

Update: Irish Times coverage.

A BT spokeswoman confirmed yesterday that it had withdrawn “due to the lack of spectrum being made available” for the scheme.

BT planned to provide coverage using a wireless technology called WiMax. Industry sources said that 10Mhz of radio spectrum was being made available for the NBS.

Following a technical analysis, BT found this was not sufficient as it would have required a large number of base stations to provide the broadband speeds required by the Department of Communications.

This is why I like Twitter

Friday, July 25th, 2008

I ask a question about Babylon 5 (in 140 chars or less) and get back great feedback from people in 140 characters or less. 11 replies in 10 minutes.

Twitter replies on Babylon5

eircom to sue ComReg next week

Friday, July 25th, 2008

Seems a date has been put down for eircom to sue ComReg in the Commercial court about ComReg’s recent line share price reductions.

Commercial Court goes on hols at the end of the month so either they don’t go to Costa Del Law and listen to the case or they do and the case is adjourned until October. Meaning line share prices are frozen until then.

Stay tuned. wants your feedback

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

I’m working with Roger from at the moment to get feedback from the Irish Blogging Community on how they want to see progress. A survey is now up asking people what changes they’d like to see to the site and in what priority. Roger won an Award at the first Blog Awards for his contribution to the Irish Blogging community because of the way brought so many of us together. It’s still a community focused site today.

There will be some changes to the way the site looks as well as some under the hood changes to add some features which will hopefully make the site even more useful. While we’re excited about some of the changes we think can be made, the crowd and the community always trump the ideas of a few. So tell what you want to see from the site.

Please also spread the word and encourage as many others as possible to give feedback via the survey. The more the merrier.