Archive for the ‘irishblogs’ Category

Get in – 09 Realex Web Awards – Few more days to nominate

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009

Go on, get nominating. Reward the websites in Ireland that you love. Nice to see most sponsorship slots are nowt full. One or two spaces left though if you think a company is interested.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday August 25th 2009

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

If you’re into any kind of dev, then Alexia’s guide to writing a test plan is a must-read.

Well done Kieran, Seán and all at Murphy’s Ice Cream for winning Artisan Producer of the Year.

Best in Season Recipe Competition.

Got a smartphone? Take a phone survey, win some nice stuff.

Some Blind Alleys are running a writing competition.

Bill Clinton at the Netroots event.

There’s a Museum of Brands in London. I’m so there.

The possibilities with the iPhone are not endless but close. Measuring a room using sound from the iPhone with Sonar App.

Lenovo doing nicely discounted laptops for NUI Galway engineering students.

Via Alesh: Total Eclipse of the Heart using whitelabel goods.

Fluffy Links – Monday August 24th 2009

Monday, August 24th, 2009

“I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it.”

The next Dublin Twookclub is on Tuesday.

Hope this is useful: Some Online PR experiences: Running Company meets Bloggers type events.

5 euro .ie domain namesex VAT from Blacknight.

Congrats to those who won a stay in the Montenotte Hotel as part of the next photowalk in Cork.

Waterford based SellMix are giving free ad space to people who read this blog. Quote the code: mulley

New blog: (at least to me) Why Me?

The 99 Percent Conference now have a detailed website with loads of videos inc Seth Godin.

Simple idea. StyleRays. Take pic, upload, tag the clothes in it with links to where you can buy.

Booking a hotel with Hotwire? These forums are very handy.

Lego are being a bit stupid of late.

Nice twist. IDon’tGoToCollege College style wares

Via MetaFilter, James Cameron’s student film Xenogenesis

Fleet Foxes – Blue Ridge Mountains – A Take Away Show
(looking forward to their show in Dublin soon)

For the first time in history, the human race is having a global conversation

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

Via Graham Linehan

There are Mums, Dads, soldiers, doctors, nurses, firemen, base jumpers, astronauts, old people, young people, builders, boxers, cops and at least one tank (don’t ask). And what are they all doing? Sorry, what are we all doing? We are sharing links to thought-provoking articles, we are making each other laugh, we are keeping each other up to speed on current events…we are communicating with each other on a platform that encourages good manners, that rewards us when we’re interesting and lightly smacks our hand when we’re not. For the first time in history, the human race is having a global conversation, and despite all our differences, we actually seem to be getting on quite well.

Not that the Sunday Times would ever dare to find value in humanity…

The Bagger

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

For those that would like nothing more than winning the Lotto and buying a JCB, why not upgrade to the Bagger 288:


Friday, August 21st, 2009

This is the view from my room for the next few days:



One more tune – Public Online Marketing workshop

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

I’ve been asked by a few different individuals and companies to put on an Online Marketing workshop in the next few weeks. I’ve blogged on the Mulley Comms blog about being pretty much booked out from here to December so while very last minute I’m doing a full-day Online Marketing training workshop on next Tuesday Wednesday August 26th in Dublin City Centre (venue to be decided later). The cost to attend is €220. email damien (at) if you want a space. Spaces are very limited. I cap workshops at 12 people.

After that I’m doing the Social Media Unspun talk with Media Contact on September 17th and an Online Marketing workshop with it@Cork on October 13th, one for South Cork Enterprise Board in November and that’s about it for the year.

Remember though, you can download my online marketing documentation and for many people and companies, that’s a good enough starter.

Esteban "Deep Breath" Music Video on Vimeo
Photo owned by philcampbell (cc)

Fluffy Links – August 20th 2009

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Nice to see this. Digital Media training programme.

Build your own iPhone App using this web service. iPhone App to make an iPhone App is around the corner.

Happy first freedom birthday Nick!

Ripoff Republic revisited. Nice price comparisons.

Arthritis Ireland are now blogging.

The Irish Government on Twitter.

Gah. This Digital Media as a Profitable Business Tool event looks great and I was down to go but now can’t as I’ll be London bound. Ah well.

Limerick is Loved.

Tommy used to work on the docks, ripping off Bruce Springsteen songs…

eircom to block Pirate Bay from September 1st 2009, other ISPs say no way

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

See Adrian Weckler’s blog for more details. Eircom have confirmed it to him.

Excerpt from UPC press release:

UPC can confirm it has received a request from solicitors acting on behalf of the Irish divisions of EMI, Warner, Universal and Sony music companies that UPC blocks access to the Pirate Bay website.

This request is separate to ongoing court proceedings between these same companies and UPC with respect to their demand that UPC take certain actions in relation to subscribers allegedly involved in illegal music downloads.

This latest request is apparently further to an unopposed court action between these companies and eircom whereby eircom was ordered to block access to Pirate Bay as of September 1, 2009.

UPC has informed the rightsholders that there is no basis under Irish law requiring an ISP to block access to certain websites and that it will not agree to a request that goes beyond what is currently provided for under Irish law.

Giant Ws all the way – The Web Awards are back, get nominating, get sponsoring

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Off ye go to nominate your favourite websites. Don’t be shy about nominating your own work. Some people were “shocked, surprised and disappointed” (direct quote from an email) that the Wizards behind the Web Awards didn’t consider them. One needs to be nominated, don’t assume your Mam will do it for you.

Sponsorship opportunities are available though going fast.

Irish Web Awards

And this sums up what a No Black Tie event means:
No Black Tie