Archive for the ‘Fluffy’ Category

Fluffy Links – Thursday December 4th 2008

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Ciaran Rooney has a new blog. Simple address too: yet the same crew took off Mr. Weckler.

Via Una: Graham Linehan very pissed about a bad Irish Times “profile” of him. File under fiction it seems. He’s since toned down the post but this is how it originally opened:

There’s a profile of me in the Irish Times today, which would be flattering if the thing wasn’t such a load of shite. Conjecture, myth-making and truthiness posing as my life story.

And again Via the Rockser: Fionn Times has a blog.

Via Adam is news that Michael O’Toole, the Crime dude for the Irish Daily Star is blogging.

Matt Cooper has a blog. And he has videos of Maurice Pratt!

Via Christian, Cybercom are running the Vodafone Pass the Pressie campaign on Bebo. It’s a bit better than yer man with the loaves but no fishies since it’s genuinely interactive, not write a poem interactive.

Via Enda 8 hours battery life to this very cheap netbook.

BizBookReview – Business Books reviewed in 140 characters or less.

Amazing design for a Blackberry welcome pack.

Via BoingBoing Michael Geist’s Copyright docu (48 mins long):

My Bloody Valentine – Sometimes

Via Red Mum – Boomtown:

Fluffy Links – Wednesday December 3rd 2008

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

Irish people search less for property and more for porn. Related?

New to me. Lugus.

Handy competition from Curious Wines.


Shane Ross covers the shenanigans from FÁS in regards to his FOI requests.

Micksgarage Winter Driving Tips.

Irish man does Facebook for dogs. No? Jaysus.

Online retail traffic for Thanksgiving not so good compared to last year though good for some.

This is modern marketing. Neil Gaiman encourages his readers to come up with clever ways of marketing his new book and in return he’ll send them personally signed goodies. A decentralised marketing army doing 100s of small things to spread the word, all for the price of a few pieces of merchandise.

Malcolm Gladwell fever online at the moment. So a person is an Outlier, what about a brand?

Living Colour were a band around in the late 80s early 90s and had some great songs. Found three on Youtube, pity SonyBMG has denied embedding them. Nothingness. Love rears its ugly head. Cult of Personality. Leave it alone.

The brilliant John Caddell on Phantom played this the other night – Garland Jeffreys – Hail, Hail Rock’n’Roll

Fluffy Links – Tuesday December 2nd 2008

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Fergal’s post-Obama’s win blog post is sobering but hopeful about Irish Politics. Blog post of the month for November.

I so want to go whale watching after reading Calvin’s post on it. And so I have. Booked it after reading Calvin’s post and am possibly freezing some bits off on a boat off West Cork later today.

The IIA released their Business Blogging Whitepaper and are asking for comments online.

Geek Girl Dinner in Dublin this Thursday.

New Irish blog (to me): Muse

Nice interview by Krishna with Joe from RTE on social media.

Nialler’s latest podcast is out.

Good post from David Cochrane on using a mobile broadband dongle to create a local wifi spot.

Win a coolio prize for saying Rick O’Shea is cool.

Britt points out a great quote for our recessionistic times.

One of my fav blogs of late is The Dieline. Even if packaging design isn’t your thing, there’s some beautiful stuff on it.

Oscar Wilde is on Twitter, of course.

I can’t get behind that:

Thom Yorke – Black Swan (Not an official vid)

Fluffy Links – Monday December 1st 2008

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Grandad’s new book is out soon. Pre-order.

Indiecater have a Christmas Album out. All new tracks from some great artists. It’s December, I’m allowed to use the other C Word now. Shurrup.

Nice work from Cormac on looking at Google search results that come back in Irish but are pretty weak at giving good results for what was asked.

Fine Gael did a dumb thing? Noooo.

What a cool editing/writing policy from Bloomberg. No buts.

Social media might not be right for you. Perilous waters. Danger Will Robinson.

Go, topping monthly web stats already.

This was one VERY weird interaction on Twitter.

Sorry but I don’t see why a bit of work 20 years ago on a song entitles you be like an ugly Baldwin brother, you know, living off that whiff of fame forever after. I think the BBC were far too sympathetic to the artists over this. Copyright should be short-term advantage not some damned nobility right.

Fox News told Fox off by Obama’s people.

Us Now – Documentary about Government, Web 2.0 and participation

Via YANP – Will it Blend does Thanksgiving:

Via Frank Das Shadow – Navigate The Menus:

Fluffy Links – Friday 28th November 2008

Friday, November 28th, 2008

Manky Toy Show, ready to go. Ho ho.

Only in fucking Ireland could you get off from drunk driving with this excuse.

Via Paul Meaty! A chicken stuffed in duck stuffed in a turkey, all wrapped in bacon.

Friend in Dublin is looking for someone to move into her flatshare. Details here.

Five things you should know about Advert Recording. (An Irish perspective) I like this:

Smile when you read, trust me this makes the read so much more inviting to the listener, you look stupid in the studio, but you can hear the smile and the warmth that generates

The IIA’s Social Media Working Group are inviting you to give feedback on ther Business Blogging Guide which will be released soon. Oh and you have to pay them 30 quid to give them feedback. Not very social then is it?

Too soon too soon! Concentration Camp Lego.

What is it with Australians and Facebook and getting caught?

The Dutch get their own typeface. Nice.

Via Jonathan is this video of video in video:

Now playing in the Abbey: The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

Fluffy Links – Thursday 27th November 2008

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

John has announced the winners of the data thingy.

Three Ireland. Muppets.

At the Golden Spiders (where I did an Uncle Tom it seems) Peter from came up to me with his card and handwritten on it was a request to be added to a Fluffy Link. And here we go. Nice way of reaching me!

Check out that shortens your website link.
Good survey results from Frank on social sites and blogging.

Stephen has never gotten flack from people in Cork when walking around holding his hands with his boyfriend. I’ve gotten odd looks and heard snide comments when I’ve held hands with a guy in Cork so I don’t fully agree with him.


As predicted Seán Kelly is the Fine Gael candidate for the euro elections in Ireland South. Colm Burke is the weakest link, shame.

Batt O’Keeffe now profiled by the Dáil Ministers.

Motorola get caught astroturfing which is now a breach of consumer law in most European countries.

Oh yeah?

Spiritualized – Ladies and Gentlemen…

Fluffy Links – Wednesday November 26th 2008

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

At the it@Cork conference today so blogging will be light.

Hey ho, let’s Joe. Joe is blogging. Bye bye spare time Joe!

Soundcheck this Thursday in Dublin. You have to go!

Mulley Communications blog now asking how you’d run an online campaign for Pat the Baker.

Got this in an email:

The final Phantom 105.2 Music Quiz of 08 takes place at The Sugar
Club, Leeson St. on Wednesday, December 3, with proceeds going to the
Concern Christmas Campaign to protect people from hunger next year.
Tables are €50 (five people maximum) and can be reserved in advance by

Or see here.

They’re called Villagers.
Nialler and others have said they think they’ve found the next big thing in Irish Music. Judging by this video, I think they’re right:

Fluffy Links – Tuesday November 25th 2008

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Agree with Michele, recession me arse if the staff in a store don’t bother serving you.

The Nora Dunne Gallery officially opens on Saturday in Kimmage. Well done to Karen Harper for all the hard work.

Via Donal, a good list of Sean Fhocails.

Can’t believe took James’ account away.

Peter is blogging the journey of his Facebook App.

Dominic Hannigan picks up on the Blackberry Storm Paddy Tax.

Stephen mentions a new Independent candidate for Cork City at the locals called Mick Finn. Independents generally have more spine.

Christmas. Oh my.

Dostoyevsky is on twitter.

Google looks at preinstalling Chrome on computers. Hopefully by then it will suck less. Awful piece of software right now.

Via Seán: Burger King are now dropping wallets around US Cities as a marketing tactic.

Congrats to Shel Israel and his new Twitter book.

Via Matt, Call on me – Super Sexy Vid Version. Warnings apply.

Fluffy Links – Monday 24th November 2008

Monday, November 24th, 2008

It’s been emotional Flirty. Best of luck.

Mary Mulvihill’s blog. Mary is looking to get a list together of Science bloggers in Ireland. Let her know if you’re one.

Don’t forget that the Irish iPhone survey is still going. While I’m looking for people in the Republic, Irish is Irish. Happy to see what the folks in Northern Ireland do with their phones. All welcome!

Coming to the bloggers Christmas lunch?

Want to learn about blogging in Cork before Christmas? Chat to Sabrina.

What bollox. Now Fianna Fáil and the Greens are complaining answering Parliamentary Questions costs a lot. Except they don’t and they’re very necessary to see what the Government is hiding from the public.

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) will celebrate International Human Rights Day with a special evening event in the Irish Film Institute on December 10th. Be there or be etc.

Well done to Paul in CityLocal for getting featured in the Business Post.

Youngfella kills himself live on the Internet. Some watching goad him into it. You can just bet that journalists will be ringing around asking Internet users to “defend” the Internet over this.

Loving this piece of art that the U.N. got done but it does seem rather extravagant. Then again, it’s the U.N.

Charlie the Unicorn – Live

Green Day – Brain Stew/Jaded:

Fluffy Links – Thursday 20th November 2008

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Crewger have upped the game and made things shinier and better. Check em out.

Great blog: Mum Lives on. Blurb:

Keeping the memory of my mum alive

Don’t forget to do the iPhone survey or recommend it to a friend that has an iPhone.

Rick spotted this. The Diary of The Irish Apprentice Secretary.

Found via ChrisTwitter: So the British Nutter Party’s membership list got leaked and there’s been much fun on the Internet as a result and someone has gone as far as doing a Google Maps Mashup so you can know how far away you are from a rightwing psychopath. Please note the nearest nutjob might actually be behind you. So we have the BNP version of lolcats too of course.

Paul points out that there is an official Monty Python Channel on YouTube and they’ve had the foresight to upload a huge amount of content with the understanding it’ll be used to sell DVDs and so forth. I hope it works, I think it will.

For the Bloggers flying to Brussels, will they too dance on the roof of the building?