Fluffy Links – Wednesday August 15th 2007

I just found this now. This post, I had thought, went out this morning. Guess not.

Charlie Brown characters done in manga.

It is evil of me and yes I’m going to hell but I couldn’t stop laughing at this story.

Miss Coton is now suing the firm, TVX Films of Texas, after she complained and received an email blaming her for disappointing sales of the DVD, her lawyer Richard Harrison said.

Paige has moved. Update bookmarks. Do we still use them?

Nice recent interview with William Gibson.

Scoble interviews IBM’s top IP lawyer.

I notice some free stats crowds are sneakily adding links into their code to boost Google rankings. Boo!

Via Una and Nialler and loads more:

Speak – the Hungarian Rapper

Liars – Plaster Casts Of Everything

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