Thursday 18th May fluffy links

I should get some kind of pink background with feathery borders for these:

Really clever advertising on ATMs, drinks machines and photo ID Machines.

American Govt gives advice to “pre-pregnant women.” Very odd.

Pictures, lots of em where the word “Ooops” gives a good summary of them.

100s of links to music videos from the 80s.

Nice screen casting app for the Mac.

Multipurpose apps that have RSS feed reading capabilities don’t appear to be used much.

Top 10 social network sites and their growth. MySpace is exploding in usage but bebo isn’t anwyhere in the list. Maybe next year.

3 Responses to “Thursday 18th May fluffy links”

  1. Ah, but look at the comparative MySpace/Bebo numbers in Ireland only with yon Google thing from last week…

  2. Curly K says:

    Love your fluffy links 🙂