Fluffy Links – Tuesday November 12th 2013

LinkedIn for Business training course on November 20th with me.

Get your business on. Bootcamps for businesses from Realex.

A big social media meetup in Cong, called (obviously) Congregation. November 30th.

Eolai is going to attempt to do 100 paintings in just 24 hours. Tune in, turn on. Paint out.

iQ Content on Google keyword researching. Things have become much harder with all these changes by Google but this post helps a lot.

Guide by Twitter for small businesses on how to use Twitter.

Soundcloud and Instagram integration. Great idea.

This spock versus spock ad is out ages. Loved it though.

I tried to order this book about Jeff Bezos in Waterstones with my Waterstones voucher. They didn’t have it.

This looks fake but it’s definitely not. Launch and land space ships are here.

Paint it Black

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