Fluffy Links – Sunday October 13th 2013

Jim Carroll on what comes next for Diageo and us after Arthur’s Day.

Chapter One, the book. Perfect for Christmas.

The Web Awards are looking for a few more sponsors, if you’re interested.

G.K. Chesterston predicting Malcolm Gladwell, Gary Vee, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Seth Godin et all. In 1915.

our modern world is full of books about Success and successful people which literally contain no kind of idea, and scarcely any kind of verbal sense.

Has anyone tried this for their business? Advertising on a porn site.

New Arlene Hunt novel out soon called The Outsider.

I like this. James Bridle making the invisible that’s all around us become visible.

If Apple did smoke detectors

And the first cars in Kerry were owned by… A lot of surnames that weren’t here after 1920.

Sam Smith – Nirvana

No Ceremony

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