Fluffy Links – Thursday August 1st 2013

Zoo owner says Zoos need to go.

If Ireland built a Jaeger (For Pacific Rim fans)

Video editing and other video skills for Smartphone users. Nice idea especially as these devices get better.

I find this intriguing. Gawker will allow you to sub-edit their articles so you can change the headline and some context of a piece and then share it with your friends. Great for buy in to a piece. And so more traffic.

Google, now that they’re an ISP are not fully for net neutrality. As they get older they get far more conservative.

Tramp Press is born and are looking for submissions.

A tumblr of women replying to Sheryl Sandberg’s “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” question.

BBC finally seeing more mobile than desktop usage on their sites.

Wallace and Gromit come to the National Concert Hall in October.

Great great video from Thinkhouse on tattoo culture in Dublin. Nice to see agencies produce their own media. Warning, may make you want to get a another tattoo.

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