No credible evidence that plain packaging…

I got a press release from Forest Éireann (they represent smokers) about the latest study on plain packaging and them debunking it.

The study provides no credible evidence to suggest that plain packaging will reduce youth smoking rates or have an impact on adult consumption.

At the end of the release was this:

Forest Éireann is funded by Forest UK which receives donations from tobacco companies in Britain and Ireland. We do NOT represent the tobacco industry. We have a completely independent set of goals that are centred around the right to smoke a legal product without undue harrassment or discrimination.

So when I did a Google News search for the “credible evidence” line…

Huffington Post

Forest (UK) which runs the Hands Off Our Packs campaign, said there is no credible evidence to support plain packaging.

Philip Morris

there’s no credible evidence to suggest that plain packaging will be effective and plain packaging will not reduce the number of young people who start smoking

Imperial Tobacco UK says:

there was no credible evidence to support plain packaging

Australian service station group to Australian Government

there is no credible evidence to support plain packaging

Great minds. Thank you for smoking.

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