Fluffy Links – Wednesday July 17th 2013

Well done J.K. Rowling.

All of this. All. Paul Graham on making every customer count and how you go WAY out of your way to sign up customers especially at the start. See the Collison example.

Pinterest generates foot traffic to stores.

Running a Social Media Strategy workshop with Gina Bowes on July 30th.

Nice API for on-demand printing for posters, prints etc. Printful.

Yarrly. Remix photos. Android only, for now.

Two new naval vessels named after male writers. James Joyce, Samuel Beckett.

Instagram is good for sales in Kuwait.

Online PR and Social Media fundamentals. From Michelle Goodall.

Social media Return on Investment measured at 3:1. Obligatory question mark goes here so as not be for this or against this statement in case I’m questioned.

Detailed talk/report from Alastair Campbell on how PR is changing massively.

So if PRs were so good at PR, why did PR get such a bad reputation? Answer, in my view, partly because some PRs aren’t actually so good at it, but also because the real spin doctors in the modern world are journalists, broadcasters and bloggers

Written and acted by a 17 year old. Amazing talent. Beautiful language.

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