Fluffy Links – Monday June 24th 2013

LinkedIn training course in Cork, July 8th.

Vinecrawler. A Vine search engine. This is a search for Ireland on it.

Speaking of which, feature comparisons between Vine and Instagram video. Not going to upgrade to InstaVid though. Different channels in my view.

And still on that. Burberry puts their entire London show on Vine.

Irish Times and the Indo both to get paywalls in 2013. Great for the smaller news sites, if they cease on this. Free content is unfortunately better than quality content, volume wise. Ironic too that the newspapers who seem to want kickbacks from RTÉ will help traffic to RTÉ with this move.

Hello Brewing.ie

Hell is other people. Avoiding your “friends” by using their Foursquare connections against them.

Heard John Cooper Clarke on RTÉ Arena read this the other night. I wanna be yours.

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
Breathing in your dust

Sit back for 15 minutes…

One Response to “Fluffy Links – Monday June 24th 2013”

  1. Catherine says:

    Well…if I don’t want to pay for Irish Times content I can just get it free at guardian.co.uk…since an increasing amount of IT content comes from there…have you noticed? Such a shame, when so many Irish journos are looking for column inches…