Fluffy Links – Sunday March 31st 2013

How the Daily Mail is winning when it comes to making money online. Everyone else is looking at paywalls, these guys are opening and raking in the cash.

Pre-order the print version of The Holy Numbers.

ISL. Irish Sign Language. Some learning resources.

Music with the solar system dictating the beat. Solarbeat.

From the ashes of those kicked out of Phantom is 8 Radio. Listen online or using one of those analog things.

Some fantastic tips from Business Insider on how they operate. The underling theme seems to be OBSESSIVES.

via Broadsheet.ie, this is mesmerizing:

Just at what point in your company timeline do you decide to try and make society more complicated so your product gets to be used more to make society less complicated.

Self-publishing. The actual work involved.

Haunted – The Pogues

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