Fluffy Links – Sunday June 26th 2011

Work is calming down in the next two weeks so volume of blog posts should hopefully go way up.

Want to fund an Irish album? Lots of ways to do contribute and you get different rewards depending on what you donate/sponsor.

Nice social media resources from Howard Rheingold.

Amazing, genuine, super positive reviews of Ryanair.

It’s years old (8) but this article on website relaunches/redesigns is worth noting.

Great video on advertising, very relevant still.

F.lux for those on computers too long.

Fusion Family’s : Dr. Sadler

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Sunday June 26th 2011”

  1. MW3 says:

    Jaysus Mulley, you’re going mad with the fluffy links lately.

  2. TUG says:

    Any old Irish album will do…


  3. Mick says:

    You have to laugh at Ryanair’s self promoted reviews. For the real deal, look no further than their 95 reviews on http://www.whoseview.ie for Ryanair – 3.1 out of 5
