Fluffy Links – Saturday April 9th 2011

Pen and Pixel is a Tipp IT digital media exhibition and a photography competition which will be held on the 14th of April at 6.30pm. Students have to organize and promote the exhibition themselves.

Like this quote from Morgan via SBP:

IQ Content’s Morgan McKeagney took a sobering look at the world of digital marketing, and called for an end to ‘‘hype, bullshit and bling’’. The construction industry’s theory – build it and they will come – had virtually destroyed the Irish economy, and the same attitude had prevailed in much of digital media, argued McKeagney.

Coconut Records “West Coast”

Holy recessionary parenting. “Getting your kids to pay their way

Cancer charities now updating Wikipedia entries on cancer. Makes sense to make these articles better instead of trying to outSEO them.

Blogs for everything including the witty notes on the signs in your local Tube station.

Loads of videos on YouTube from Harvard.

One Response to “Fluffy Links – Saturday April 9th 2011”

  1. eimear says:

    Spot the date on the parenting entry…