Fluffy Links – Monday 10th January 2010

Another business startup type programme. Endeavour.

Been offered a fortune to mention this blog: I Don’t Like Cricket.

Great story on a local pub and how it is run.

Maybe it’s more knowledge economy bluff but IIEA upcoming talk entitled The Digital Single Market. Jan 31st.

Reset Ireland. Jan 15th and 16th in Galway.

Reset Ireland is a grassroots initiative to facilitate conversations for real social, political and economic change through developing an action plan for open government and media reform.

Trains on Storyful. Choo choosing to read it.

Arts collective plans to do something creative around the spaces normally where election posters goes.

Roll Up You Sleeves. Bought five copies of this ages ago and gave them to people who I thought might be inspired by going off and doing your own thing. Play it at the Young Scientist event!

Roll Up Your Sleeves: A Documentary About Do-It-Yourself Counterculture (2008) from Dylan Haskins on Vimeo.

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