Fluffy Links – Monday September 6th

Liking this. The Fota Learning Zone. For Fota House that is. The Gardens there are amazing

Student writer? Want some work? Got this via email: “Interested in writing? Looking for some part time work to help get you through the long college year? Cybercom are looking for student writers around Ireland to write topical posts on student life…” Contact Cybercom for more details or send a sample of your work to lynne < at > cybercom.ie .

William Gibson’s new book is out. Zero History.

Nice post from Midpoint Creative on how they’ve helped out with the Web Awards.

Hurling helmets: Women say that they “take care of the ugly”.

At long last, a Dublin Bikes app is back.

WhatClinic blog points out that A/B testing isn’t the holy grail afterall.

Thanks to James in UPC, great list of connection testing tools.

Found via the Irish Times: While it’s an infomercial for heartburn meds, Heartburn.ie‘s iPhone app is handy for finding pharmacies.

Via Kottke, medley of dancing in movies. Defy you not to tap a foot and shimmy a leg:

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