Fluffy Links – Monday June 7th 2010

Good Twitter list from Charlie Taylor on Irish Times staffers that are on Twitter.

Manuel the Waiter brought me to Tedford’s last week. He previously reviewed it here. What an amazing menu. Shame I was in a rush so could not enjoy it fully.

Dave Davis gives some common sense tips on SEO in wake of the recent changes to the way the Google search engine works.

Irish Pork recipe megalist from FoodFight.ie

Irish based gaming website Ubecha.com have launched a World Cup Celebrity Fantasy Football league fundraiser in aid of The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation. Prizes for the public that compete against the celebs. Take a gander.

Arthur’s Day is Back. Dublin, Cork and Galway on Thursday, 23rd September 2010. Bands can audition to play in venues on the night.

The Gateway Ireland: Connecting the Dots Seminar which took place in Dublin Castle now has videos available.

Work better by banging off the competition.

This Gravilux iPad app looks great.

Villagers – Becoming A Jackal (On Watch Listen Tell)

2 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday June 7th 2010”

  1. manuel says:

    good times…!

  2. Dave Davis says:

    Excellent twitter list Damien, exactly the kind of thing you should include in your PR workshop as a value add.

    Thanks for the mention too. Much appreciated.