Fluffy Links – Monday 19th April 2010

It’s the name that caught me. Cookery classes for me and you and kids too! UmNumNum

Did a talk recently at the Ballybane Enterprise Centre. This centre was set up by the local Credit Union to support local business. Brilliant idea.

Guy protests with blank placard. Love it.

Charities, beer drinkers and chancers.

Two more Bizcamps are happening soon. No money resting in accounts under this name at least!

Another TwinnerParty with Donal. Twitter, food prep, food eating.

How not to choke. Stage fright/performance type choke.

This follow finder tool from Google rocks.

Crystal Castles new album is out soon, maybe sooner with the leak the past few days. This is one of the tracks:

2 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday 19th April 2010”

  1. Dave Davis says:

    Wow, some good ones today Damien. That article on choking and the Chicago U case study linked in the article is very helpful. Cheers for that.

    Love the new CC track. Wonder how long it will take the rappers and hip-hop “artists” to sample the hell out of the album again? Saw them live at MELT! festival last year and their music shouldn’t be rapped over, they are true artists.

    And Um Num Num, summer camps…. really REALLY looking forward to that!

  2. Thanks so much for the mention in your blog – I really appreciate it!