Fluffy Links – Tuesday November 3rd 2009

Yes. Mulley is back.

Nice to see the Irish defence forces on Twitter.

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, do Irish people Christmas shop online on a Sunday?

Eoghan has a great breakdown on the Irish Web Awards winners this year. See who are the heavy sites and the svelt sites.

New online game created by Engineers Ireland: Engineers Challenge. The idea is to promote engineering but also to generate healthy competition between the different engineering disciplines – give it a go, it’s good craic. Prize is tickets to England V Ireland in Twickenham on Feb 27.

Outstanding Dublin Bikes and Stormtrooper pic.

Georgina Campbell’s Ireland Guide now has an iPhone App which is available free in the App Store. Hooray. And also via Adrian I note the Indo has an iPhone App. While Entertainment.ie‘s iPhone App went to number one in Ireland!

Handy resource about online payments in Ireland: WebPayments.ie

Despite IIA Board members on Twitter suggesting the judges of the Digital Media Awards are sellouts, as a judge I’m going to post the below video, well produced and interesting stats for the layperson:

Pat Kenny gets angry. Still does nothing for me:

10 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Tuesday November 3rd 2009”

  1. […] spotted this on Damien Mulley’s website. It’s a trailer for the Digital Media Awards next year, but it includes some interesting […]

  2. Welcome back Damien. I saw the frontline on RTE last night. Have to say I think Pat Kenny is excellent in the current affairs arena. Good interview with Noam Chomsky on the show too.

    love the stormtrooper pic by the way.

    Stephen O’Reilly

  3. About the Frontline anger: yea but everyone knew what example Jack O’Connor was going to use and were willing him to do it.

    Welcome back.

  4. Joe Scanlon says:

    Welcome back Damien. I hope twas fun! It must have been hard being offline for so long, not sure if I could manage it!

  5. Brendan says:

    Welcome back. It was too quiet round here.

  6. Welcome back Damien.

    That DMA video is great… thanks for posting it!

  7. Given that Pat paid over 2 million for a couple of acres at the back of his house which he spent a fortune in court claiming was his own, his anger reminds me of the Shakespeare line (somewhat changed) “Methinks the lad doth protest too much”. The wages and standard of living which people like Pat and others in RTE, a publicly funded body, are paid, are not sacrosanct and it is quite legitimate for public sector trade union leaders or anyone else to question them without being told they are talking crap.

  8. […] to celebrate the safe return of Mr. Mulley to the internets, I’ll take a leaf from his blog and leave you with a song. This was going on […]

  9. That IS a good promo video for the digital music awards, regardless of any other issues.

  10. Blanaid says:

    Love the stormtropper on the bike – did not realise you need that kind of gear to get around on two wheels in dublin.

    He obviously hasn’t heard of the cycle chic movement i guess
