Fluffy Links – Tuesday September 1st 2009

Off to Stuttgart for a few days, don’t break the blogopolis when I’m away.

The Story – a website that lists all declared individual donations to TDs from 1997 to 2008.

Recession: Opportunity Knocks is on September 9th in Dublin. Would love to go but alas I’m in London.

Twenty has a book on the recession. Beats McGinger to the punch.

Eolai is having another painting sale. I grabbed mine!

The Merlin Toy Auction in Aid Of Our Lady’s Hospital Crumlin happens on Tuesday October 13th 2009 at 6.30pm

1st International CIKM Workshop on Topic-Sentiment Analysis for Mass Opinion Measurement (Hong Kong Nov. 6, 2009). Some DCU folks are presenting on: Topic-dependent Sentiment Analysis of Financial Blogs

Ze Frank talks audiences
and creativity.

Via Johnnie Moore, an amazing event (in my view): Communication as a Performing Art – In this remarkable workshop, Danish conductor Peter Hanke offers you the chance to explore the art of communication via the experience of conducting a choir

This is why the Dead Kennedys rock(ed).

Chris Eubank is getting his teeth fixed in a private clinic in Clane listens in to i105107’s daily talk show – enjoys it so much he decides to give i105107 a call to say that he hasn’t laughed as much in ages…

Faith No More/Boo-Ya Tribe – Another Body Murdered

2 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Tuesday September 1st 2009”

  1. Great soundtrack, terrible movie.

  2. Eoin says:

    So, Chris Eubank is a fan of the awful Chris Greene. Why am I not surprised. The pair of them should be tied…