Fluffy links – Friday February 13th 2009

One more day to go for my chocolates and roses…

Fantastic fundraising panel at Bizcamp.

Looks like we’re going to have a bareknuckle fight at the blog awards. Funnily this blog post makes me want to watch Westside Story. Have it on my shelf so I might as well!

Loving this photo from McA.

Real men. By Hugh.

Take a photo, it tells you the font.

Potholes and Google maps.

Trailer for new Tarantino flick. I dunno. His last was dire.

Via Una, foxes on a trampoline:

2 Responses to “Fluffy links – Friday February 13th 2009”

  1. Alexia says:

    WhatTheFont is a great find. Thanks.

  2. Aidan says:

    great photo from McA.