If you want to come along to the Blog Awards, you best register now, 1/3 of places already reserved.
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 review.
Go iFoods.tv, they’re expanding. New staff!
Alexia talks about the one year anniversary of Paddy’s Valley. Being in the Valley and meeting so many great minds there was an amazing experience. Surprised there hasn’t been a repeat journey.
Jim is offering a free download of Adrian Crowley’s brilliant album “Long Distance Swimmer”, go get it and appreciate some native Irish talent. Then go see Mr. Croley live. Or buy the album for friends. Or both.
Clever clever clever. The Irish Cancer Society shop in Rathmines has been building a new collection of vintage threads and had a launch night for it.
If those dickheads in Komplett.ie did ads for Fianna Fáil…
Logo evolutions. Nice.
Impressive. Live DVD commentary on the Bluray of the Dark Knight.
Ok so. Hmmm.
Adrian Crowley – The Wishing Seat
I’m delighted that iFoods are expanding aswell, Niall and Sean are great lads and deserve the site to explode!
Thanks for posting the link to the logo evolutions, it’s interesting to see which logos have stood the test of time and which have been dramatically changed over the years.
I’ve stuck a short survey up to sound people out about the idea of a table quiz in Dublin either the Thursday or Friday before the Blog Awards. Fergal Crehan has offered to help out with organising if there are enough interested people.
Ta for the link, dude, much appreciated.
It’s a really good move by Adrian Crowley and his label Tin Angel because it will get the word out about him before the new album lands next year. Hopefully, more people will blog and write about it and spread the word.
Cheers for the mention Damien! It’s good to have other people to talk to in the office other than just Niall.
Thanks for the good wishes Joe, hopefully see you both in Dublin, or Cork, sometime soon. If you’re ever around give us a shout to meet up for a couple of pints.
Thanks muchly for the link Damien. That blog doesn’t see too much traffic action so it was a very pleasant surprise to see some comments on it!
Another fluffy for you here: Check out my first (and probably last) pop video here – I’m the mad cartoon priest:
and download my single (Well sort of mine – I get a mention) here: