George Lee on a Segway at it@Cork conference

Via Gavin. Seriously:

3 Responses to “George Lee on a Segway at it@Cork conference”

  1. Aidan says:

    ide say he didnt fork out the six grand for it, but ide love one though.

  2. MJ says:

    It looks like he’s been practicing for a while tho 😉

    They’re great fun; not easy to get the hang of for the first few runs! It’s so funny, three whole minutes of footage!

  3. […] Journalist George Lee apparently loves Segway. He talked about the “green” “commuting” vehicles when on the Cafe on RTE2, the Evening Heard quoted him as saying he’s its “number one fan”, and at the it@Cork conference he went around the crowd on one and started again to speak of the merits of the devices (video above, via Damien Mulley). […]