Fluffy Links – Wednesday September 3rd 2008

It’s not too late to come along to CreativeCamp Belfast on Saturday. Come along. After the amazing support the folks way up there have shown to the Blog Awards and BarCamps, I feel I owe them a few visits.

Suzy Byrne made the Huffington Post. Well done.

Via PhilFBcal – export the Facebook Birthdays to Google Calendar or iCal.

Gay Marriage for all in California. Even prisoners. Makes for some interesting dilemmas…

Love Zebras. Love this poster.

Get your musical goods on iTunes and sell cds too with TuneCore.
Anyone know where I can get this picture?

Nice Guerilla Marketing tips for startups.

$175k a day for an ad on the front of YouTube.

Sarah Palin had a lot of work done to her Wikipedia profile before she was nominated.

Via Kerry: Surveys

Via Treasa – Princess Bride in Lego

6 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Wednesday September 3rd 2008”

  1. red mum says:

    Wow well done Suzy, just right too 🙂

  2. David says:

    A lego Princess Bride…!?


  3. I can’t explain just how much I love the Princess Bride – sigh

  4. love the guerilla bus journey… !

  5. tipster says:

    And today Suzy made the Irish Independent