Fluffy Links – Monday September 1st 2008

James has a laugh and has created the FluffyLinkulator. A rapid inclusion service for your website. It works too! Kinda honoured he used that name.

Una talks about a new Cork music docu.

Bad cops bad cops, whatya gonna do. Garda van in Oz.

My friend Terry and his missus are traveling the globe for the next few months. Follow their adventures here. Really gonna miss them but great to read about where Ter has puked already.

Rubber Ducky!

Cool Sites. Another web enterprise from Michele. Nice one.

David Armano points out there’s already fan fiction Mad Men sites and Twitter accounts out there and how this is a good thing and the show producers should back the fuck off, basically.

The Voice Stick. Nice idea even if it is a concept piece right now.

Via Jonathan Hopkins – Hedluv

Saul Bass. Best known for his collaborative work with Hitchcock, Preminger and Scorsese, Bass on Titles presents a comprehensive, well-rounded retrospective of his film title sequence design.

9 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday September 1st 2008”

  1. Sharon . says:

    Hi Damien !
    Long Arm of The Law !
    I was in New York in May of this year with a few girlfriends , all of us from Dublin . We were stopped in our tracks more than once by the sight of Garda vans trundling down the road (Avenue!) towards us –

    -instinct took over and we legged it!
    The above pics are not ones we took , as it’s hard to focus a camera properly while you’re trying to avoid 5th Avenue shoppers and darting in and out of alleyways at the same time 😉 !

  2. Damien says:

    The Gardai chase you for playing soccer on the street too Sharon? 🙂

  3. Sharon . says:

    Hi again , Damien !

    Well , they chase us first – if all they get us for is ‘potential assembly for a street soccer match’ we think ourselves lucky and say nothing 🙂 !
    I made a bad with the links in my last post : I doubled-up on one pic and left this one out –

    I have loads of other (more interesting!) pics from our New York trip but best not to post them until after the 9pm watershed….


  4. James says:

    Thanks for the mention Damien fluffylinkulator is well on the way to becoming Irelands number 1 rapid inclusion service 😛 and well credit where it was due on the name I couldn’t stop laughing friday when I stumbled upon your post and saw the name

  5. Sharon . says:

    Oh alright then !
    I’ll post a link to one of my ‘9pm watershed’ pics as Mulley’s keyboard is not drool-proof : we girls met up with a few fella’s from the Bronx and had a bit of fun in a wet t-shirt competition :
    -and that’s about the most innocent of my pics !
    Thanks(and sorry for disappointing ye) !

  6. Sharon . says:

    Ooops !
    I’m having a bad link day : my wet t-shirt pic can be seen here –

    Ha! Ha!

  7. Michele says:


    Thanks for mentioning yet another one of my madcap ideas 🙂


  8. Sharon . says:

    Oh alright then – it’s bound to be after the 9pm watershed somewhere!
    Story so far : myself and a few girlfriends take a mad shopping and drinking break in New York , meet a few fella’s from the Bronx , have a party in the pub (bar!) and get invited back to their place . A wet t-shirt competition is organised and before ya can shout “QUICK! Throw another pint of water over her” the cameras are out and….
    …….this is one of those pics – a wet t-shirt being worn (*blush*) :
