Fluffy Links – Friday 22nd August 2008

Moviestar Irish Web Awards – Nominations open to all now. Nominate all your favourite websites. Even the very modest ones who didn’t nominate themselves.

New blog: An Cathach.

New blog: Sharona. My my.

Dear Kevin Myers, Dick O’Brien just gave you a can of shut the fup.

Those two lads still need sponsorship for their charity drive.

Top Ten Fan Pages on Facebook.

A pill to feel autistic?

Phil’s done some nice rain themed photos of late, like this.

Cathal points out Comreg spectrum oddness.

Hah, the iPosture. The nagathon.

Ahh crazy signs!

Via Keith, EA and Tiger Woods respond in a fun way to a fan vid about a bug in their gold game:

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Friday 22nd August 2008”

  1. roosta says:

    ha…that Tiger Woods video is great.

  2. Greenofeye says:

    Cheers for the mention Damien 🙂

  3. TheChrisD says:

    That autism pill article extremely offends me…