Fluffy Links – Thursday 21st August 2008

Paul Daniels? Paul effing Daniels? A crush on Paul effing Daniels!

Chris did his own Tuesday push, for Gamesenders. No reason why people can’t push services they like without adhering to the every second Tuesday idea.

Kenny Egan Facebook fan page.
Mary O’Rourke thinks she works like a..

New blog from Colin Cooney.

Guy in a wheelchair blogs businesses he can’t get access to. Mashup with Google maps and set it in Dublin, Cork et al? Chances are that a few of the subscribers to this blog will end up in a chair or will have some kind of mobility issues, my own chances with MS mean it could very well be me. Let’s be selfish and only consider this for ourselves, yeah?

And with that in mind:
Dublin are doing this:

In Dublin, citizens are being asked to participate in the city’s accessibility audit, aimed at identifying areas where access may be difficult for handicapped or disabled persons. Using the ICiING platform, citizens can take photos of problem spots with their mobile phones and send them in to the city authorities with a comment.

David Beckham, the musical. ka reist.

From the Mozilla folks, Ubiquity, a kind of command line for the web thingymajig.

Tom Nixon blogs about his agency’s work with the sex industry and why they voted to work with them and then a good bit later democratically voted not to work with them. Very open and honest. Refreshing.

Via Piaras – Maser at work:

4 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Thursday 21st August 2008”

  1. Honoria says:

    Seriously. Paul Daniels has started to grow on me with every day I’ve looked at that picture. 🙂

  2. Paul effing Daniels indeed – did you ever see the blog on the millionaire Paul Daniel’s ebay transactions, not been updated since February but still an entertaining read – http://www.pdet.blogspot.com/

  3. TheChrisD says:

    Thanks for the lovely linking 🙂

  4. Tom Nixon says:

    Hi Damien, thanks for reading (and linking). It’s certainly an interesting debate. Have had some thought-provoking comments.