Fluffy Links – Wednesday August 13th 2008

On Twitter? Why not do Laura’s Twitter survey?

Steve. You summed it up perfectly. Nice one.

List of bloggers who are happy to copywrite/edit business blogs. Want to be added?

Sick of Aer Lingus being late? Aer Lateness

DownloadMusic.ie has a nifty new player you can stick on your Facebook or iGoogle page.

A question of blog. George Hamilton is blogging.

I know how Shane feels. All this new music and most of it is pants.

Via McAWilliams: As if you can’t hate the iPhone owners enough, now you can install a free app to use your free web text from Meteor or O2.

Speaking all things iPhoneish. Some tips. More tips.

Blue Screen of Olympic Death

Some great Business Blogging tips.

Review iPhone apps while high. No, don’t. Bro.

Getting people to your site is one thing. Converting them into customers is another. 5 main reasons they don’t “convert”.

Via Alexia:

6 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Wednesday August 13th 2008”

  1. 73man says:

    Shane’s column on Saturday really resonated with me too. I occasionally get a tingle up the spine from an album I bought three years ago and that’s about it. does music matter less in your 30s?

  2. […] via mulley.net. Digg this […]

  3. That whole free texts thing should be doable on any phone that can run Java apps too, so there’s no hate from me. 🙂

  4. Johnny says:

    Thanks for the link Damien.

  5. Gamma Goblin says:

    The free texts thing has been around for years in the form of a Java Midlet. Have a search around boards.ie for it, it used to get mentioned a lot there.

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