Fluffy Links – Monday June 15th 2008

Check out the blog Leeside Story by Emer Harrington

IMRO now suing Eleccy Picnic. Nice sort them.

Euan riffs in Enterprise 2.0 but it can apply to any new idea inside a company.

I believe I can fly. No you can’t you conman. How David Copperfield flys.

Mossberg reviews the Samsung phone and mentions the iPhone how many times?

Only recently found the blog Photoshop Disasters. This one is fantastic.

Metallica has to backtrack after telling bloggers they were not allowed to review their music. Gobshites.

Google Browser Synch discontinued. Damn.

But they are building an ISP throttling detection tool. Interesting.

Via Fabulist

2 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday June 15th 2008”

  1. Green Ink says:

    David Copperfield looks very pasty in that video. And why is it narrated by Stephen Hawking?

  2. Emer says:

    thank you for including me in your Fluffy Links. Having read some more of them and your description of them, I do feel very honoured. Nice blog, Emer.