Fluffy Links – Monday June 9th 2008

Take care Tom. Tom Raftery is off in a short few weeks to live in Spain for good. Conor is organising a going away dinner for him on June 17th.

Joe Drumgoole takes more of the PR bullshit from Enterprise Ireland to task.

Seán is back. Welcome back buddy.

Meanwhile John Kennedy joins us.

This has been all about the place but it rocks. Radiohead remixed.

Via Carol: Learning on the Open Social Web.

I think I’ll go order Mr. Amperduke. It’s cheap and guaranteed Irish and all that.

Know More. Nice site dishing the dirt (if there is any) on companies.

Whale Watching West Cork.

R2D2 – Steampunked.

o2 now have a discussion forum for their customers.

Via Allan

Wolf Parade – I’ll Believe in Anything

6 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday June 9th 2008”

  1. Sean says:

    Thanks! 😉

  2. Thanks for the link. Amperduke rocks.

  3. Andrew says:

    Wolf Parade, YES! They’ve a new album out soon and I’m excited.

  4. B'dum B'dum says:

    never seen the radiohead spectrum thingy before, love it!

  5. […] Via Mr. Mulley: Long time technology journalist John Kennedy has launched a new personal blog. […]

  6. Calvin Jones says:

    Hi Damien, thanks for the link.