Rock Rig the Vote

Anyone else get that FG email from HQ? I only found mine in the spamfilter now. Already being discussed on

Dear Damien,
As the campaign gathers pace, with just over three weeks to go, I just wanted to advise you of a number of events scheduled over the next week or two.


The Party Leader will launch a new innovation in outdoor advertising tomorrow; Fine Gael is the first political party to use Opinionators – essentially these are interactive advertising sites, which allow members of the public register their intentions by pressing either a Vote Yes button, or a Vote No button; their vote is recorded – and the running totals are displayed electronically.

We have two sites – one in the ILAC, near Dunnes Stores and the other in Blackrock Shopping Centre – just inside the entrance off Main Street.

It would be extremely helpful if members and/or their family and friends could make a point of visiting these sites, and record a YES vote! (Conscientious objectors can help the Party by not pressing any button, if they can’t press the Yes one!)

The launch is in Blackrock tomorrow afternoon – so, it would be particularly helpful if members in that area could make sure that the Yes vote is well ahead of the No vote – before the Party Leader arrives! (not to mention the media)

Obviously, these sites are highly visible – and we would appreciate members’ voting efforts for the remainder of the campaign.

angry caveman
Photo owned by andy emcee (cc)

Early. Often. Stupid. The launch happened yesterday. Wonder how it went? Kind of overshadowed by a gobby Taoiseach. The scallywag. Though none of the Dáil recorder people put it down on the record so you won’t find it on

It’s not so much the whole rigging of the vote really. It’s the fact that the anti-No people can mobilise people too and take advantage by doing their own rent-a-mob tactics. Remember the Turkey in the Eurovision? People get a kick out of ruining things.

7 Responses to “Rock Rig the Vote”

  1. Funny thing about those opinionators – they reset at midnight every night I’ve been told by someone in FG HQ. So all that days votes, gone.

  2. Damien says:

    Enda Kenny stars in Groundhog Day

  3. Leslie says:

    I look forward to a second round of voting on the Lisbon treaty – politics are such fun.

  4. Darren says:

    lol @ Leslie

  5. Branedy says:

    The real larger issue is noone has given me a compelling reason to vote, let alone vote ‘Yes’ so given the chance, I will vote ‘No’!

    ‘Of course the game is rigged, but if you don’t play, you can’t win’
    Lazarus long

  6. Dave says:

    why don’t we just rick roll the vote

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