Archive for April, 2008

67 year old, taunted on video, falls over and is sat on

Monday, April 21st, 2008

But good ole Slugger O’Toole take the word of the makers of the heavily edited video of Prionsias de Rossa getting assaulted and decide that he’s a liar, it wasn’t an assault or an attack. Stupid old codger is just old. Oh no, they added a question mark, that’s ok then. Assholes? How very Ron Burgundy.

Prionsias de Rossa is by definition an old man. Whatever his build, (which apparently is crucial for the understanding of what happened) it is ignorant to taunt anyone, let alone a pensioner and if he tripped or was pushed it is a fact that when he fell they didn’t help him up but instead they fucking sat on him and taunted him further. It was an anti-Lisboner too who called the cops over this shameful incident. This of course is left out of the video but many witnesses were there to see it happen. If this was done to any of my grandparents or relations or neighbours I’d go mental.

With the lack of murderers blowing people up in the North, Slugger O’Toole obviously needs to reposition itself but it’s a shame they’ve decided to get all gutterpress about it with the way they presented this to their readership. The Cedars have gone and actually researched who these people are. That’s good blogging but then it is the Cedars, the best political and cultural bloggers we have in Ireland.

Jazz covers this too.

Chambers of Commerce of Ireland in cluelessness shocker

Monday, April 21st, 2008

To extend broadband to more of the country they want schools to open classrooms in the evenings and weekends so the greater community can avail of the broadband the school has:

In the context of leveraging resources, in particular technology for all of our benefit, Dr. Coughlan continued “One way to equip communities with the skill sets needed in the global economy is to extend the schools broadband service to enable all community stakeholders to enjoy the benefits of technology out-of-hours, thereby extending the footprint of broadband services throughout the country in a cost effective manner.”

Most schools have a satellite dish to provide broadband. It’s got a speed of 512k download. It’s almost useless. In areas where schools have proper broadband people themselves can get it at home. Why open the schools? It’s not as if there is a problem with convincing people to use broadband. The issue is availablity not demand.
Most schools don’t have good computers, the public adding wear and tear will make things worse.
Most schools don’t have the resources to pay someone to come in out of hours to supervise the public.

This would be the same Chambers that I met the EU with who were smug enough to suggest rural dwellers can always move into the cities to get broadband and rural dwellers should have to pay higher line rental because it was unfair on city dwellers to have to subsidise them.

And then the Chambers jumped on the Collison bandwagon:

Citing the example of the Collison brothers from Castletroy, Limerick who recently sold their web based start-up to Canadian company Live Current Media, Dr. Coughlan continued, “It is vital that we invest in communities to ensure that they achieve the very best of their abilities. Young people such as Patrick and John Collison remind us of the talent that there is in Ireland,” Dr. Coughlan concluded.

Hey Ican, I Better

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Bertie, Take Enda With You Facebook Group – 302 members
Iron Man Competition to go to UK Premier Facebook Group – 204 members
Mr Tayto for President – 296 members
Dear L drivers, shut the fuck up and take the damned test – 587 members

Hi Ican!

Photo owned by hownowdesign (cc)

Fluffy links – Monday April 21st 2008

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Going to the Open Coffee Club BBQ on July 16th?

So so many badges these days.

New Limerick blog, the Celtic Donkey.

Something every blogger needs to watch? Stephen Fry docu on Gutenberg and the printing press.

Stephen’s investigation combines historical detective work and a hands-on challenge. He travels to France and Germany on the trail of Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press and early media entrepreneur. Along the way he discovers the lengths Gutenberg went to keep his project secret, explores the role of avaricious investors and unscrupulous competitors, and discovers why printing mattered so much in medieval Europe.

How fantastically analog. Muxtape -> Analog service. Russell Davies will put your muxtape on to a cassette.

Via JP is the brilliant BBC Sound Index on music popularity and it uses iTunes, Amazon, Bebo, mySpace etc. to guage popularity. Check how some are massive on Bebo and how that can generate sales too.

SSH into Mozilla.

Presidential candidates meet with right-wing anti-gay Christian college. No fuss made cos they’re Obama and Clinton and not McCain.

TinyURL, and now ZombieURL.

Bruce Schneier at the NJ ACLU

M83 – Graveyard Girl (their new album is pretty damned good)

Meanwhile Labour’s Kathleen Lynch writes a sicknote for a child rapist

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Kathleen should resign over this.

Trevor Casey from Closes Road, Fairhill in Cork was sentenced on Friday to 13 years imprisonment for the rape and sexual assault of the two teenage sisters of his former girlfriend.

The girls were 14 and 17 at the time. The Courts aren’t finished with him yet. He’s up for the sexual assault of another girl too.

Labour TD Kathleen Lynch wrote to the Judge on behalf of his family as did Labour Councillor John Murray. Who fucking cares if his parents are good people. Many evil people have good parents. The parents were not on trial here, their son who raped kids was. There’s war in the Northside of Cork over this with Kathleen Lynch refusing to talk to the press for a long while. It seems Eamonn Gilmore when asked to comment on it would not til he talked to her and said he couldn’t make contact. Then Kathleen released this statement:

I have received a number of queries about a letter I wrote, which was referred to by Mr. Justice Patrick McCarthy when he was today imposing a sentence of 13 years on Trevor Casey for a number of extremely serious sexual offences.

I do not know Treovor Casey personally, as I made clear in the letter. I do know his parents as good and decent people and when his mother asked me to write a letter to this effect, I agreed. It would have been cowardly of me to refuse to do so.

These are horrific offenses, for which Trevor Casey has been found guilty and the judge has imposed what he considered to be the appropriate sentence. I have no issue with the court process or the sentence imposed.

I have always been an advocate of proper support for victims of sexual attacks and believe serious offenders should receive and serve appropriate sentences.

My letter did not and was not intended to understate in any way the offences committed against the two victims in this case. I deeply sympathise with them and hope that in time they will be able to make a full recovery from their ordeal.

Kathleen Lynch T.D

Not good enough. Kathleen Lynch needs to follow what her own party said when Bobby Molloy resigned. Will Brendan Howlin ask Kathleen to resign?

RTE coverage. Breakingnews coverage.

Green TD Paul Gogarty: Clap harder gays clap harder

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Update: Paul Gogarty has left his version below, which I believe and I’m altering the post to reflect this.

Via email from Deputy Gogarty:

I would suggest that the so-called quote be altered as it is factually incorrect and maliciously slanted. I never said keep putting pressure on the Green Party. ‘They’ refers to Fianna Fail, although the rest of that passage was not what I said.

It’s a bit like Peter Pan isn’t it? Apparently Paul Gogarty of the Green Party told someone that gay people need to make more noise if they want equal rights. He complained not enough gay people have been contacting the Green Party Fianna Fáil conservatives to beg and grovel for equality.

they (Fianna Fáil) as a party have had little input from members of the gay community, and that there has to be pressure from all of us in order for any changes to be made.

So we all clapped harder and louder to help tinkerbell so maybe all the gay people have to work that little bit harder for the hard of hearing Green Party Fianna Fáil. I know LGBT Noise are useless but they do what they say on the tin and Christ almighty David Norris never shuts up. How exactly should the begging letters be addressed to the Government? Glitter envelopes? Fabulous handwriting?

Photo owned by silens (cc)

Great work Indo!

Saturday, April 19th, 2008

Via Elana. This is how you don’t protect an identity. Appeared in print and online edition.

Indo Screw up massively

More free Iron Man tix

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Go here!

Fluffy Links – Firday 18th April 2008

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Robin is seeking help to build a very clever tool for those that run a group blog.

This read as Urine to me when I saw it first:

The Beeb has a new blog comments policy. Hmmm. You need to register.

Host of Christian TV Youth Show comes out. Am sure the Homosexual Agenda snuck in to poison young minds. Will he keep his job?

Cluetrain Fucktard or Social Marketing Fucktard?

Their iProd is different to our iProd. An iPod that tells you to exercise.

A town in a tunnel. Alaska.

There are legal uses for this very cheap mass DVD copier. They say.

Conference speaker tips from the lad Kennedy.

Via Joel, the Terminal 5 song

Nine hundred

Thursday, April 17th, 2008


Since June 12th 2005 900,000 unique visitors have visited this blog. That’s not when I started the blog but the day I added tracker code to it.

900k visitors

Thanks for the visits, links and fights. By the by, I need to update my blog roll so if you’re not on it or the link is wrong, let me know in the comments.