Fluffy Links – Friday March 7th 2008

Blogs in newspapers now.

Total recut makes the Creative Commons blog. Nice one Owen.

Like the Pope? The real one, not the fake one. Check out these garden figures.

Just has created an Irish Twitter aggregator. Now you can see what we’re all yabbering on about.

Elly explains What Would Mulley Do.

Elly links to the vid that explains Twitter.

Joe’s guide on how to screw with banks and telcos and the rest. Churn!

Thanks to Linkmap:
Mulley Birthday

Via Colm:Herding Cats

The whole of Heima:

19 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Friday March 7th 2008”

  1. elly parker says:

    Woo-hoo! Double fluffy-linked – is that a record?

  2. John B says:

    >Blogs in newspapers now.

    Shouldn’t that be a plog?

    Or maybe a nlog?

    Or just a log?

    Or a fucking newspaper article!?

  3. Michelle says:

    It shames me that the “editor’s blog” comes from a Donegal newspaper. Sigh.

  4. Grannymar says:

    ‘Blogs in newspapers now.’

    Somebody please dump that ‘Male and Single Will S’ for his comment! I know little about Technology, but I do try!

    At least with age we realise that we Don’t know everything! Do I sound mad? 😡

  5. Alexia says:

    That BDay cake pic is all wrong. There ought to be a NSFW warning.

  6. UnaRocks says:

    Happy birthday Mulley!

  7. stretchneil says:

    Happy burp-day.

    And despite your efforts – I got my essay in on time last night.

    So fuck you, fucko 😉

  8. 73man says:

    Blogs in newspapers?! What’s next? The internet on computers?

    (Happy birthday)

  9. Justin Mason says:

    thanks for the link and HBD!

  10. Levitat says:

    Happy Birthday Damo!

  11. Fergal says:

    That linkmap photo is outstanding. I’d prefer to lick a cake than Rick any day. Happy Birthday.

  12. Damien says:

    If you look really closely Mr. Linkmap stuck his own face into the cake.

  13. ryan says:

    For some reason that manipulated cake licking photo looks familiar.. hmmm.. 🙂

    Happy Birthday!

  14. Trinity says:

    haha I could’t hear that hearding cats vid at work today. Looks like the gang of cats in my back garden 🙂
    Happy Birthday again by the way!

  15. That Donegal thing is a scream. They’ve invented the Printernet.

  16. Graham says:

    They would have just called it a “log” if they knew what a “blog” was 🙂

  17. kirstie says:

    vogue do the blog-in-mag thing too, it always makes me laugh – though at least they do have blogs as part of their website. But I’m not entirely sure if the content matches what happens online…

  18. Niall O'K says:

    Well, the “B” in “Blog” stands for “web” (as in: “Web log… or Weblog… or Blog”) so it’s technically impossible for it to still be a “blog” if it’s in print.

    Happy Birthday Damien. Hope all is well there. It’s shit here.

  19. ed kavanagh says:

    That heima video was amazing stuff! thanks for the link