Me today

Busy at the UCC Journalism conference all day. Back on Thursday.

9:50 Opening Address, Speakers for Session One Take Stage
10.50 Mr Gerry O’Regan, Editor, Irish Independent.
“Why traditional Newspaper’s are NOT dead!”
10.10 Rick O’Shea, RTE 2fm. “Blog Will Eat Itself – Old Is The New New”
10.25 Questions & Answers
10.45 Closing Address, Session One
10.50 Break for Coffee, Speakers for Session One Leave Stage
11.20 Opening Address, Speakers for Session Two Take Stage
11.25 Dusty Rhodes, The Death of the Newspaper: The Digital Radio Perspective.
11.40 James Cridland, The place of traditional media in the Web2.0 world.
11.55 Michael Foley, Sunday Times, Sports writer. The implications of New Media for Sport writers
12.10 Michael Kealey, ‘Legal challenges for a converging media’.
12.25 Questions & Answers
12.40 Closing Address
12.45 Break for Lunch, Speakers for Session Two Leave Stage
1.00 Lunch
2.15 Opening Address, Speakers for Session Three Take Stage
2.20 Damien Mulley. Blogging.
2.35 Jill O’Sullivan, A new media newsroom – does one size fit all? – and global new media trends.’
2.50 Brendan Keenan, Independent Group PLC
3.05 PJ Gibbons, Editor, Social and Personal Magazine
3.20 Dr Rachel O’Connell, Bebo Chief of Security
3:35 Questions & Answers
3.50 Closing Address

10 Responses to “Me today”

  1. squid says:

    Theres a thing or two I could say to Gerry O’Reagan, but wont post here 😡

  2. I know exactly what the bloke at 11.40 is going to say.

  3. Simon McGarr says:

    Let me know if anyone mentions the Paper Round project.
    Unlikely, but you never know.

  4. Simon McGarr says:

    “Why traditional Newspaper’s are NOT dead!”

    Clearly traditional sub-editing is deceased, however.

  5. they have to listen to fifteen minutes on blogging, serves them right the bastards!

  6. Cian says:

    Was hoping to make it to this, but due to other commitments I couldn’t. Please blog about it.

  7. […] Mulley can tell us — after his trip to UCC — what the fuck New Media is. addthis_url = […]

  8. Sully says:

    Congratulations on being the most interesting speaker on Wednesday (even if it’s partly by default since you were one of the few not trying to sell us something). Kudos are also in order for being the least unintentionally entertaining!

    [If you’re interested, this comment came from the guy who assaulted you for those somewhat optimistic four seconds, and he’d like for you to check out his (narcissistically titled) blog so you can despair for the future of Irish bloggers – preferably in comment form on the offending site]

  9. Rick says:

    Loved the Times this morning. Reported extensively not mentioning myself or Damien once 😉