● Fluffy Links – Wednesday 6th February 2008


So there’s a bloggers dinner in Cork on March 2nd. If you’re in Cork, do try and go. I was organising it but Alexia is now the boss of this. So chat to her about it.

Sweary is writing eurovision songs again.

Fluffy! Matty! Badgey!

Fluffy Kitty!

Fluffy Pancakey!

Yikes. LetsHost.ie are getting undue attention.

Thrillpier suggests ways of improving Phantom 105.2fm. I agree with 2, 3, 4, 6 I think 14 should be part of the Government’s Finance Bill. 12 is really annoying. I actually switch off the station for some newsreaders in particular who flub every line. Most annoying.

MGMT – Time to Pretend (original vid does not allow embedding, eejits)

Neuromancer (The Book) Concept Design set to DJ Krush- Road To Nowhere:

2 Responses to “● Fluffy Links – Wednesday 6th February 2008”

  1. jazz biscuit says:

    Great Neuromancer video. what a task it would be to do justice to it in film – particularly the VR bits. Maybe some one like David Fincher could do it?

  2. Wouldn’t go so far as to say the attention LetsHost.ie is getting is ‘undue’ but they haven’t done themselves any favours.