Getting Creative er maybe


So CreativeCamp is on March 8th in a castle in Kilkenny. You should go. You should also participate.

So how many folks from Paddy’s Valley are presenting at Creative Camp? Oh, so far one. That’s Joe who is always good with sharing and contributing at every BarCamp/CreativeCamp. Alexia though is on a panel about how sometimes it’s hard to be a woman. (Men are allowed attend this talk but must realise they’re bastards.) 🙂 I would have thought those that went to the Valley learned about the community over there of sharing experiences and knowledge and would have jumped at the chance of presenting. Still time folks. And it doesn’t have to be about tech. I’d love to hear a talk from Jessi on healthy living. Maybe expanding on this article she wrote on getting kids to eat veg. (Not once in it did she mention violence or the threat of it, I can’t see it working :))

Maybe (Blog Award nominated!) Niall Larkin could give a presentation on online communities and how people interact, without giving away the recipe for the Relevant M secret sauce eh? Niall has massive insight to how humans work with tech. We could all benefit from his thoughts on that.

TechLudd was huge with a massive attendance by tech people in January. Maybe Anton could nudge some of those folks to go along too and give some talks?

There are tonnes of people who could give great talks and maybe they need a little encouragement? CreativeCamp is the place for shy people and will be very welcome. It would be a shame to see the old faces once again giving presentations, though while always good it would be good to see new presenters.

Nice to see BarCamp regulars Walter and Bernie do a panel discussion called “How Friends Communicate” too.

9 Responses to “Getting Creative er maybe”

  1. Creative Camp??
    OK here’s my go
    OOOOOOOOOOH that’s a darling coat you’ve got Where’d ya buy it , got to get me one of those , what’s the colour, PUCE??

  2. PUCE is not a real colour Ray. Altho maybe that is the Creative inside of you 🙂


  3. Deborah says:

    It looks very cool indeed. Signed up the other day – want to learn everything I can! Second the talk by Jessi! Did you see her guest post on my blog. Phenomenal! I want her to come live with me for a week and get those kids in shape! 😉 As for me, well, round is a shape!

  4. […] men are bastards..  Have you read my mind, […]

  5. I signed up my wife. Does that count? 🙂

  6. Jessica Roy says:

    I would love to speak at this event. Let me find out if I can get the day off of my one day a week job. lol. Already had to switch one day for pre-cana. I think this is just as important. Well a close second anyway.

    @Deborah and @Damien Thanks so much for the kudos.

    You’ll know tomorrow if I can go or not.

    PSI don’t know how to do powerpoint so can I just use creative hand gestures to get my point across 😉

  7. hiya jessica

    you give a talk at Creative Camp any which way you want to 🙂


  8. Hi Damien, Only getting round to reading this now. I actually sent emails to everyone who registered for the Dublin event. Painstaking but worth it I think as I’ve asked everyone for feedback.
    I recommended the CreativeCamp as well and gave a link so people can go straight there. I’ll put something up on the TechLudd blog tomorrow as well. Hopefully a few of those convert to registrations as some people have emailed back saying they’ll check it out.

  9. Joe says:

    I was planning to attend until I was offered the opportunity to go to CeBIT instead. The offer of good German beer, curry sausage and shiny gadgets is very compelling