Damn, Sabrina is all go

I already linked to her recently but check out Sabrina Dent’s blog again. She must be on the crack cocaine at the moment with all the blog posts and wonderful graphics for each post. I’m well impressed. I think I’m going to rope her into doing something for me, for free. Cos, you know, I’m cheap.

3 Responses to “Damn, Sabrina is all go”

  1. Saw it. Well impressed. Sabrina’s on the list of blog picks.

    BTW, Happy fucking Christmas from all at Bock Towers.

  2. Sabrina says:

    *squee* I got Mulley for Christmas! And I’ll be happy to do you on the house, anytime.

    Cheers, Bock 🙂

  3. James says:

    I agree – great design, the site looks amazing. I haven’t read any of the posts yet but if there is an Irish blog award for “best looking blog” then this should win it.