The Freedom of Information sham in Ireland

I’ve used Freedom of Information over the years to get information from lazy regulators and lazier Government departments. Today, November 2nd, 2007 I got a letter frm the Office of the Information Commissioner saying that an appeal they were dealing with is now complete. I requested documents from ComReg. Included in the information was data supplied by a third party – eircom. eircom objected to ComReg giving me certain information and appealed to the Office of the Information Commissioner, as is their right. eircom has now said they are happy for ComReg to now hand this over to me. So now I get 11 records that I request from ComReg … in September 2004. 3 years for an appeal! Best delaying tactic ever.

2 Responses to “The Freedom of Information sham in Ireland”

  1. […] approved a 400% rise in 1850 access costs yesterday to Vodafone in under 24hrs Temper this to Damien waiting 3 years for information and you will really see what licensed telecoms companies are up […]

  2. Curly K says:

    Can’t believe that the Office of the Commissioner let things go on that long – particularly when they monitor gov dept etc. covered under the act to ensure that those bodies deal with requests in a timely manner! Crazy but then good old Eircom has been playing mucky games with everything from other telco customers looking for line problems to be fixed and being put to the back of the waiting list for same, to suddenly “enabling” (I use the term loosely of course!) exchanges for broadband to muddy playing field for companies who were trying to provide service to people in difficult rural areas!