Auctioning stuff using video –

Matt of Life Without Toast F A M E is auctioning off his guitar for charity, have a look and have a look that it is listed on eBay with a video.

This is the video and it’s fucking great. El kabong! My god, that unearthed great memories:

What a really creative way to auction something off. I’m very impressed and with more and more people auctioning stuff, this is deffo a way of getting more attention to your auction. Nice too that others can embed it. Still, it seemed I had to go to the listing on the VZaar site before I could get the embed code. Maybe this could be changed?

This is a London? based company, be nice if crowds like Intruders TV and Blognation covered this. *cough* *nudge*

2 Responses to “Auctioning stuff using video –”

  1. Matt says:

    It is indeed a London based company, they just launched this week and this here vid was part of the launch-day goodness. Now get bidding all you Mulley readers, it’s only at €15.50 at the moment, and all proceeds go to Barnardos Ireland.

    Re the embedding code, I think the video’s sole purpose is to get you to eBay so you can bid on the item. You can manually embed it on eBay yourself, but vzaar’s 3-clicks-to-post-on-ebay system works so well that the only real purpose of the embed code is to put the video on other sites, like this and mine. It might be an idea to change the link on the vzaar logo on the video to go to the video page rather than just to the “most recent” page on vzaar. I’ll mention it to the Chief Geek.

  2. Matt is completely right. The easy embedding is to make sure you can put the video on eBay simply and easily.

    We’ll be adding functionality to do this for some blogs too in the future but right now we figure if you have a blog, you know how to do the embed code.

    I’ll have a look at the links on the player as well