Latest Facebook threads and groups

More Facebook obsessiveness.

Don’t forget to join the Electric Picnic blogger meetup group on Facebook.

Discussion in the Paper Round group: Why does the Irish Examiner all but ignore technology stories?

Irish Ex-pat business people networking group.

Group for Irish business people, business people in Ireland (there is a diff) and Irish ex-pat business people from around the world to mix, network and hopefully do business.

Currently 160 members from Ireland, Europe, Thailand, the UK, States, Australia, Bahamas and South Africa.

3 Responses to “Latest Facebook threads and groups”

  1. Ianmcg says:

    Joan is on facebook minus the pink suit

    Howlins leadership campaign is there too (I’m sure you’ll be cheering him on Damien!)

  2. Damien says:

    As much as I like Joan, and her suits, I don’t understand how someone who can’t type has a Facebook profile. Surely there should be a group for Joan more than a fake profile? I mean Facebook try hard to make the profiles genuine.

    I’m disappointed with the candidates too. Not just Howlin, the big mad breeder. Will they have a “Who’s got the best zimmerframe?” competition in the hustings too?

    And watching how some of them operated the night of the election count and their nasty, bitter and deluded supporters HELLO SUPPORTERS OF JOE COSTELLO!, I worry that the party still has the people’s front of judea attitude to politics and I’d rather seem them agree on something, agree to compromise and then drive hard to take the lead in progressive politics.

    You can see the real metal of the party with all the comments on Rabbitte this week.

  3. […] Damien Mulley has set up a Facebook meet-up at Electric Picnic… on Facebook? Then come and join us!!! […]