Fluffy Links – Tuesday August 21st 2007

Want to do Google Ad campaigns and the like? Take this advice from RedFly.

Mmmm, I like this geeky pet rock.

Well they did it. Via a Bebo group, they brought back Wispa. but compare this to the guy who set up a Facebook group that said if he got a 100,000 people, his wife would allow him to name their second child “Spiderpig”. The second was a hoax but surely people can see the marketing potential for stunts like this.

Via Conor “Romance is not dead” O’Neill. Facebook profile for the Sex Pistols.

We need more parking signs like this.

I love that the Daily Show, a fake news programme is the one actually reporting from Iraq now. Reminds me of Jon Stewart ripping into CNN:

Suggesting that a “fake news” comedy program should not be held to the same standards as real journalists, Stewart said, “You’re on CNN! The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls! What is wrong with you?”

Looking good for FaceBook. We can airbrush it for you wholesale.

Nice idea. Search the net to see what the first pic is that someone takes with their camera. Tried to do this via Google.ie but the results very shabby.

Karl Rove’s father was not only gay but apparently someone big into piercing his genitalia back when it wasn’t a normal thing to do…

Shiny Toy Guns – Le Disko

One Response to “Fluffy Links – Tuesday August 21st 2007”

  1. UnaRocks says:

    The Wispa people are on Phantom Daily today I think.