Press Query: Got a job thanks to Facebook or LinkedIn? Contact this guy if so

Was just chatting to a journalist who is doing an article on using Facebook/LinkedIn et all to get headhunted/promotions/work. Anyone know of Irish people who have been headhunted using these services or had recruiters contact them with job offers? I’ve gotten a few via LinkedIn alright offering me jobs in the States.

Anyway, if you know of someone are you ARE that someone then fire off an email to Colm Heatley on colmheat { at }

Of just leave a comment on this blog post.

3 Responses to “Press Query: Got a job thanks to Facebook or LinkedIn? Contact this guy if so”

  1. Branedy says:

    I got an interview with Google off my other blog site, but that doesn’t really count.

  2. Damien,

    I’ve got two offers clearly via the LinkedIn network , plus backed up by common or garden networking. These are ‘contracts’ rather than ‘jobs’ , which being shorter term , are easier to get.

    Happy for you to pass on my contact details. WordPress should already have my email , or the contact me form (link below) also gives my telephone number.


  3. Lar says:

    Hi Damien,

    we hired Des Traynor via comments he left on our blog.
