Tech Company Profiles – Want to be profiled?

As you may or may not be aware, I write a column for the Sunday Tribune and I have this blog here too. I’m always interested in tech stories for my column, as is my boss. I put a blog post together before on how to make contact with Irish Journalists and now I’m offering to profile any and all tech startups. Now, to be clear, this is not for the Sunday Tribune, this is for me so I can get a better feel for the next generation of tech companies in Ireland and get to know more people in tech. It might help me get more material for columns I write too. I will put the profiles up on a blog. Possibly not this one but another. Since a lot of Irish journalists read this blog and my other blogs, there is a strong chance of getting spotted by them too. It will also get you spotted by other tech bloggers who might like you enough to evangelise you on their blog. Win win, right?

If you want to be profiled, fill in this form. More than likely I’ll come back to you, looking for more details too.

9 Responses to “Tech Company Profiles – Want to be profiled?”

  1. […] Damien is interested in profiling Irish technology companies, particularly startups. […]

  2. […] If you have a tech start-up and despair sometimes (as I do) over the lack of local press coverage of your efforts then help is at hand. Damien Mulley is offering to profile those who send him their company details. According to Technorati, he is the highest ranked blogger in Ireland and he also writes for the The Sunday Tribune so this can get you lots of interest. […]

  3. […] I mentioned yesterday that I want to profile tech companies. I’d appreciated if you could spread the word on that and add yourself if you fit the criteria. […]

  4. Outdoorsman says:

    I hope this works out for you. Good for the start-ups and good for your column.

  5. […] Damien Mulley, Ireland’s leading blogger as per Technorati, wants Irish tech start-ups to contact him. He has generously agreed to profile them in one or other of his blogs. He has many influential contacts with journalists generally and also writes for the Sunday Tribune, so the potential could exist for additional publicity somewhere along the line.   To me this seems like an offer that is too good to miss. For further details click here.       […]

  6. […] site using a feedreader or email. Thanks for visiting – Damien.A while back I said I was looking to profile Irish tech companies. I now have a dedicated blog for this which is and over the next few weeks and […]

  7. Bon says:

    And get those pretty permalinks on!

  8. Bon says:

    Crap, wrong post :/

  9. Greg Watkins says:

    I am very interested in promoting startup tech enterprises within Ireland. I am running an event in Dublin on the 26th June 2008, for startups to get the chance to pitch to our ‘pitch panel’ and have the chance to win 2000 euro in seed investment.

    I think the more people do to promote tech enterprise the more Ireland’s economy will prosper. I think putting together a list of startups to profile is a great idea.