Twitter sub trends

Oh God, he’s still talking about Twitter. Thanks to Google Reader, here are some trends on my Twitter subs:

From your 77 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 3,255 items, starred 0 items, and shared 0 items.

Top 20 noise makers:

Subscription Items/Day
Paul Walsh – 13.5
Conor O’Neill – 13.4
Bernie Goldbach – 7
Matt – 6.7
Damien Mulley – 5.8
Brian Greene – 5.1
Uldis Bojars – 4.9
Don Crowley – 4.1
Ken McGuire – 3.6
Elly Parker – 3.5
Olivier Ansaldi – 2.5
Tom Raftery – 2.5
AlexiaG – 2.5
Gareth Stack 2.5
Robin Blandford 2.4
James Corbett 2.2
Liam Burke 1.9
Laura 1.8
Conn O Muineachain 1.6
Walter Higgins 1.5

5 Responses to “Twitter sub trends”

  1. Total noise=twitter+jaiku+facebook.

  2. Gareth Stack says:

    Damien, do you subscribe to each feed individually? If so why (other than to generate stats?)

  3. Damien says:

    Yes. Because I can keep track of all the twiiterers. Also it’s just to be totally awkward and difficult. 🙂

  4. I wonder if you would run regression analysis on the top 10 Irish twits and see if there’s a relationship between their twitterings, their photo uploads and their blog posts.

    At Reboot, the mobile-aware said you might get a photo a day from people, and as little as a blog post a week from the same people who send one tweat an hour.

  5. Noisy Walshy says:

    How about reporting stats other than noise 😉 some may consider it as music 🙂