The one with the waggily tail – Anyone own this dog?

Via Andrew:

Lost dog

My sister rescued this little fella when she saw a group of young boys, around 11 years old, throw him off the blackstone bridge in Kileens. The bridge had a drop of about 10 – 15 foot with water only ankle deep below. The kids walked off leaving him down there, he was okay but for a small cut on his paw, he must have landed well, luckily. He was unable to get back up from under the bridge as it was too steep. Lisa was able to get help from a teenager nearby to climb down and get the dog up.

He had no collar on his neck. My sister asked the teenager if they knew who might own him, but he had no idea. He looks like he’s been well kept up til now. Really nice dog. It’s likely the young kids led him away from his home.

He’s a Labrador, About a year old. Very friendly, luckily totally oblivious to what the kids had meant to do to him.

If anyone around Cork might know his owner, like to adopt him or know of a good home, email me.

amonaghan AT

7 Responses to “The one with the waggily tail – Anyone own this dog?”

  1. Adam says:

    He’s absolutely gorgeous.
    I’d be tempted to make my way from Dublin to Cork if no-one else wanted him or his owner couldn’t be found, but I don’t think bringing a second dog home would got down too well.

    Fingers crossed he’ll find a good home, and fingers crossed those little shits who threw him off the bridge will have a similar experience themselves some day soon (only with more than a bruise to show for it afterwards).

  2. manuel says:

    Poor pup. God I despair of our species sometimes…

  3. zee homebug says:

    Hi Damien, you could leave a post in the Lost & Found forum on or even in the Rehoming section. The site attracts a lot of traffic from people who might be able help. He looks adorable, I hope someone can help him out.

  4. James says:

    Hi Damien. It’s worth checking ot see if he’s microchipped. He might have a little chip under his skin with owner details and stuff. Should be able to get that checked at a vet with the right equipment. I really hope you manage to find the owners. Othewise run a very good rescue scenario, look after the animals and check out the new owners plus follow-up visit a month or two later on.

  5. I’d like to throw those kids in the river, preferably with a few bricks tied to them.

    I’d be very tempted to give him a home but the four dogs already here might have something to say about that. If he’s still homeless in a week’s time, I’ll see what I can do.

  6. I’d actually like to throw their filthy pathetic parents in the river, and hold them under till they stop kicking and populating our planet with their evil little clones.

  7. manuel says:

    Actually I’d like to meet your sister….Someone had to say it…