In the bag. Greens agree. Now roll on special convention tomorrow

Green Party agree to programme for Govt with FF as of 830pm tonight. Green Party special convention @ 1pm tmrw. More on

3 Responses to “In the bag. Greens agree. Now roll on special convention tomorrow”

  1. Niall O'K says:

    It’s ONNNNNNNNN…..

    no, I’ve no idea why I said that…

  2. Tom Young says:


    1. High potential that this government will fall within a short period of time; and

    2. Bertie-gate is not over yet. The knives are currently being sharpened.

  3. […] So why is there such a problem with this rule ? Is it the lobbying from the small trades organisations ? Do they feel that they business is in jeopardy ?  IKEA can offer great things to the Irish economy namely jobs and the availability of affordable furniture.  Here is a typical example where the powers that be have been shooting themselves in the foot, with the topic of job creation. The mind boggles ! So with the new government  having the Green Party on board, this saga might be drawn out for a bit longer. Tagged:Ballymun, Bord Pleanala, dublin, government, IKEA, ireland, irishblogs, irishjobsN.B. :To get the latest updates, you can subscribe to our RSS feed! […]