A blogger talks about blogging. *Gasp*

I like this idea. Some colleges in the States are getting students to blog about the colleges. Cheap and transparent marketing for colleges. The Irish ones should do that instead of spending fortunes in papers, on radio ads and on television asking students to sign up with them.

Meanwhile, Eamo Dunphy considers getting a blog.

3 Responses to “A blogger talks about blogging. *Gasp*”

  1. James says:

    Dunphy’s blog would be the greatest thing ever

  2. Cian says:

    While my collage is great in general, I don’t think it would like me saying some of the things I have.

  3. eoin says:

    This is an excellent idea, but – unfortunately – it is an example unlikely to be followed on this side of the Atlantic. US Colleges can do this because they are unlikely to be liable for what the students write/do in the blogs. English and Irish universities, on the other hand, would (as the law now stands) almost certainly be liable for the students’ blogs’ content, and are therefore far more reluctant to go down that road.