Fluffy Links – March 20th 2007

I sometimes feel like this.

WTF. Mick points out this horribly placed disabled parking spot. Name and shame I say.

Free because of John Inman.

Euan Semple mentions Reboot 9.0. Anyone been? Looks quite interesting.

Thank you Newswire. A great Limerick blog is gone but at least the archives remain. Well done for a worthy and useful blog service.

Bye bye Ze Frank. Phil has a nice tribute post. Who’ll be our Ze Frank methadone? I just found Nick Douglas’s Videoblog via his Twitter. Nick used to ne the main guy behind Valleywag til management swooped in and pushed him out, though he seems to be back in a way again now. I like this clip of him talking about the Nick Douglas Valleywag persona compared to the real Nick Douglas.

What did the Poles ever do for us? Well, actually, this is an open invite for Irish people to give their views on the Poles.

Love this quote from Sliabh:

And I can tell you you I rarely see a man drinking on their own in a hotel bar. I only used do it in the days before high speed internet access in hotel rooms

How modern business people are changing.

Via TerSuperyacht Chef Niall Harbison was asked to do a video demo of one of his specialist dishes for some video production companies who are interested in possibly doing a show with him. Here’s the results. I think this is the one that tips me over the edge and gets me into the kitchen to try it myself. Now I’m hungry.

2 Responses to “Fluffy Links – March 20th 2007”

  1. Spam Sndwitch says:

    Haute cuisine, mon ami. But he forgot to show how to cut away the culchie crusts. Maybe he doesn’t have a pet dog to throw them to…

  2. NewsWire says:

    Cheers Mulley..never know , could come back again some day